Walker proposes a Navy base for Alaska

Gov. Bill Walker says a Navy base in Alaska could be a key part of empowering America’s allies and partners in the Pacific region, in dealing with threats posed by North Korea.

“Our location provides the quickest access to Asia for any base which would also be under the protective umbrella of the missile defense unit at Fort Greely which protects most of North America,” Walker said. “This combination assures a powerful force for military deterrence will remain available to our commander in chief even if North Korea or another rogue nation were to launch a missile attack.

“Such a base would also provide key support for collaborative exercises and training with the maritime forces of our allies,” he said.

The governor’s comments on Sept. 3 came of comment by Sen. Bob Corker, R-TN, chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, who called for “a comprehensive strategy that not only places an emphasis on deterrence, but also empowers our allies and partners in the region, who must do far more to confront this threat.”

“As made clear during World War Two, Alaskans understand what it means to be on the frontline of defending this nation,” Walker said. “Alaskans also understand what it means to be attacked on U.S. soil by a foreign nation. The time is now to make our lands safer for today and for future generations.”
