Polar bear birthday treats

(Photo by Margaret Bauman/The Cordova Times)

In honor of the Alaska Zoo’s annual polar bear birthday party in Anchorage on Jan. 19, Copper River Seafoods built a huge seafood filled ice cake: some four dozen 80-pound blocks of ice tinted the color of a rockfish, for 1,100 pound Lyutyic, pictured here, and his 800-pound companion Cranbeary. The ice blocks, filled with salmon, halibut and herring, under the direction of CRS general manager Billy Green, were delivered that morning, when temperatures were in the single digits, and young Cranbeary got first dibs, rearranging the rockfish shaped ice cake a bit. When it was his turn, Lyutyic finished dismantling their treat, but because the mercury remained below freezing, their seafood treats remained on ice. 
