Response to census in Alaska is among nation’s lowest

A bipartisan group in Congress is urging that the deadline for the U.S. Census count be moved from Sept. 30 to Oct. 31, but meanwhile the Census Bureau shows Alaska’s self-response rate is ranked among the lowest in the nation, ahead only of Puerto Rico.

Federal officials have not indicated that the deadline date will be extended.

Alaskans who have not yet participated in the 2020 census can complete the questionnaire online by phone or by mail when their invitation to respond arrives.

More information is at

The census determines how much federal funding Alaska communities will receive for services like schools, roads and other public services that are critical to life in Alaska.

Filling out the census form is safe, secure and confidential, and the information gathered and the privacy of the individual submitting it are protected, according to Alaska’s congressional representatives. Filling out the form takes just about 10 minutes to complete and by doing so residents will help ensure federal funds for services in their communities.
