Easter Inspiration: Making all things new

Christ is risen! He is truly risen! Alleluia!

The Easter message of joy echoes through the whole world proclaiming Christ’s ultimate victory of light over darkness, grace over sin, and life over death. It is the message upon which we build our lives and to which we anchor our own hope of victory with him.

Who could ever have thought, or even imagined that the pandemic is not over? We still need to stay safe and not act like the crisis is behind us. Facing the global pandemic has been like a terrifying run in the darkness.

But, the Lord Jesus, through his cross and resurrection, has destroyed the power of darkness and death and brought us into His life. Christ has won for us victory over the grave. The Risen Christ is making all things new. We are moving forward!

So, let us rejoice and be glad, for Christ, the conqueror of darkness and death, opened to us the path to eternal life and salvation. Our faith in Christ’s rising from the dead enables us to embrace the present situation and at the same time opens us to new possibilities.

I wish you many blessings this Easter and in the future.


Happy Easter,

Fr. Michael Kim
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
