Prohibited live European green crabs confiscated in Washington

Washington state fisheries officials say they confiscated live European green crabs from a Seattle market that the seller was unaware were classified as a prohibited invasive species.

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) said in a statement issued in late December that they got a tip that the market was selling live “green crabs” and went to investigate.

They determined that the retail market had bought about 30 pounds of live green crabs from a Massachusetts distributor with the intent of selling them for use in crab stock and soup. The seller was apparently unaware that they were European green crabs (EGC), which are regulated by Washington state as a prohibited invasive species.

These crab also are listed as a banned invasive species by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

They have distinct physical features that distinguish them from other crabs, including a green-brown color shell, three rounded bumps between the eyes, and five marginal teeth on each side of the eye.

WDFW officials said the seller was very cooperative and the carbs were confiscated and destroyed. The agency is now working to increase outreach to local seafood sellers and shippers about the state’s invasive species regulations, how to find out which species are prohibited, and what to do for sales under state laws.


Further investigation into the Massachusetts seafood distributer continues, including contact with Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game wardens about possible ramifications for interstate trafficking of live invasive species, and whether they were sold to other Pacific Northwest states or provinces.

Under Washington’s ongoing emergency order, the state’s EGC incident command objectives include reduction of green crab populations to levels which are not harmful to environmental, economic or cultural resources. At this time commercial or recreational markets for EGC would be detrimental to these objectives, officials said.

EGC are classified as a prohibited level 1 invasive species in Washington, meaning they may not be possessed, introduced on or into a water body or property, or transported, bought or sold without WDFW authorization.
