A Veteran’s Perspective

I flew to the Great Lakes Training Command in February of 2005 to begin training as a member of the U.S. Navy. I was...

Get out and vote to use your voice

As an Alaskan, I’m proud each time I do my civic duty and exercise my right to vote. My power as an American citizen...

Celebrating local artist

Mike Webber, a local artist and fisherman, received the Eileen Panigeo MacLean Education award on the main stage at the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) convention on Oct. 21 at the Dena’ina Convention Center in Anchorage.

Behind the scenes with the fire department

Humans created fire between 300,000 to 400,000 years ago. A manmade fire was discovered in a cave in Israel and records trace it back...

Day in the Life

David Little, a well-known photographer in Cordova, has been creating memories taking beautiful landscape and astral photos since he moved here in 2005. His...

Back to school submissions from Mrs. Reggiani’s 2nd grade class

Our school is the best! We have swimming. Our cheese pizza days are the best because I love cheese pizza.  And I love this...

The Catch: Whale Waves

By Kate McLaughlinA pewter-tinged seatrimmed with tinsel and lacefloats in greened granite armsWhale waves wash rocky shoresto the sound of their humpback hornsClouds echoing...

PWSSC studies avian influenza and how it spreads

A new study from researchers at the Prince William Sound Science Center, in collaboration with colleagues at Tufts University and other institutions, identified which bird species contribute most to the spread of avian influenza. The study, which was published May 19 in the journal PLOS Pathogens, examined influenza viruses circulating among different groups of birds and characterized which types of birds are involved in spreading the virus.

16 new seats given to Cordova caregivers

On May 13 and 14, Native Village of Eyak hosted a car seat checkup event in partnership with Center for Safe Alaskans. As part of the grant, Buckle Up for Life provided 16 seats to caregivers in need of a car seat or booster seat.

Community Health: Tips for coping with stress and how to respond to it

Behavior health clinician Susie Powell writes: Spring is coming, and this is a great time to reflect on all the dust and clutter that have accumulated over the winter and do some spring cleaning. When it comes to our mental health, most all of us have some emotional cobwebs or maybe a lot of mental clutter that have been causing stress.
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