Officials with the Alaska Board of Fisheries are reminding the public that agenda change requests (ACRs) for the 2023-2024 meeting cycle are due by Monday, Aug. 14. 

ACRs are submitted by the public, advisory committees, and agencies for proposals on regulatory areas and species not set for deliberation in the current meeting cycle. 

At its Oct. 12 to Oct. 13 work session at the Egan Convention Center in Anchorage, the Board will review ACRs for possible scheduling in the 2023-2024 meeting cycle.   

In order for the board to approve and schedule an ACR for later in the meeting cycle, the ACR must meet certain criteria established until state statutes.  

These criteria include: 

  • For a fishery conservation purpose or reason. 
  • To correct an error in a regulation. 
  • To correct an effect on a fishery that was unforeseen when a regulation was adopted. 

In addition to the above criteria, the Board will not accept an agenda change request that is predominantly allocative in nature in the absence of new information found by the Board to be compelling. 
