Oct. 3 is comment deadline on invasive plant management

Comments are due by Sunday, Oct. 4 on the Wrangell-Petersburg Invasive plant management project within Tongass National Forest.

The project covers the Wrangell and Petersburg Ranger Districts within the Tongass.

Invasive plant infestations are known across the 3.7 million-acre project area along the road system, at recreation sites, along streams, in open canopy forest, and within wilderness areas across both ranger districts.  The purpose of this project is to maintain improve or restore the natural range of habitat conditions in the project area to support viable wildlife, fish and plant populations for subsistence, traditional and cultural uses, and to sustain diversity.

For more information, go to https://www.fs.usda.gov/nfs/11558/www/nepa/115308_FSPLT3_5598850.pdf. To submit a comment, go to https://cara.ecosystem-management.org/Public/CommentInput?Project=59576.
