Letter to the Editor: If you can vote in Alaska, you can sign the Recall Dunleavy petition

As a volunteer with Recall Dunleavy I’ve collected over 700 signatures. During this time many have asked who can sign the petition? In short. If you can vote in Alaska, you can sign! Alaskan members of the military as well as federal and state employees are eligible. Under the Hatch Act less restricted federal employees can even circulate petitions. 

Some suggest this recall is “political.” Our recall petition is not partisan, and Alaska law does not allow “political” recalls; in our state, an elected official must have violated the law for a recall to advance. Governor Dunleavy broke multiple laws, as stated in the recall’s grounds which have now been approved in Superior Court. We will soon put the question of our legal grounds in the State Supreme Court. It is our right and responsibility to sign the petition for the second phase of this successful recall effort. The only good thing Dunleavy has done for Alaskans is he has brought us together for the common goal to Save Our State.

Crystal-ann Berwick

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