Easter Inspiration: Rise up singing!

What a beautiful place we live in! Spring is here! And the snow is melting! The eagles are flying and the sea otters are rolling rolly-polly over in the harbor! I just want to sing! It’s a time for new beginnings and new adventures — and a time for thankfulness for all our blessings.

I’m thankful that we’ve made it through this year of the pandemic… It’s so difficult thinking of all the people we’ve lost. I know memories of them will be with us forever. It will be good for us to be together — and cry together and hug each other as we think of them. Yes, that time is coming. People are getting vaccinated and I’m so thankful and looking forward to gathering again — singing, playing music and smiling at everyone — and not just with our eyes! There have been blessings. After so much isolation, we appreciate each other so much more! Some people have developed new hobbies, made new friends, read good books, gardened, done some writing or photographed our awesome animal friends. The ski hill has been wonderful — opened with some pandemic precautions, but giving us a sense of normalcy — a chance to see our friends, have fun, and be happy with the excitement of skiing!

So join with me and visualize our lives here in Cordova positively filled with love, joy, and peace — and all our dreams coming true! God is giving us good things all the time. Sometimes we need to read between the lines to see the good coming out of tragedies; to see the blessings coming out of the ashes. Have you noticed that we bless others as we help them and they bless us as we help them? Cordova is a place where there are many, many wonderful people — and wonderful things are happening and will continue to happen. As we live and work together, we create love, peace, and joy here at home. Let’s sing out! And let’s pray together…

“My house shall be a house of prayer for all nations.” (Isaiah 56:7) Prayer changes us to be people filled with love and energy, confidence and peace… People that help and learn from others… People that care for each other deeply… People that work together for creative solutions to everyday — as well as world problems.

I’ve looked forward to this year’s Holy Week as a time to be together — Zooming or masked and socially distanced in person to pray together, sing together, and wait anxiously in the Christian tradition for word on Easter morning that “Jesus is alive, He is risen!” It’s a sign for all of us in all of our traditions to start a new life, a new beginning — that leads to peace and love singing in our hearts—and in the world! Join us at St. George’s Episcopal — for Holy Week services and activities.

The Rev. Belle Mickelson
St. George’s Episcopal Church
