Future management vote on Nushagak king salmon run moves to March

A decision on future management of Chinook salmon run in Bristol Bay’s Nushagak district has been delayed until the March 2023 meeting of the Alaska Board of Fisheries in Anchorage.

The board voted unanimously during its December meeting, also in Anchorage, to postpone action on Proposals 11-13 until the March 10 through March 13 session in Anchorage.

Members of the public told the board in public testimony and written comments that they needed more time for considering what to do about the decline of Chinook stocks, as whatever action the board approved would impact the Nushagak and other Bristol Bay salmon fishing districts.

Marit Carlson-Van Dort, chair of the Board of Fisheries, meanwhile urged everyone to collaborate on ideas addressing these stocks of concern in advance of the March session.

Alaska Fish and Game Commissioner Doug Vincent-Lang said that while his agency supports delaying action on how to deal with Nushagak district Chinooks, that his staff had already spent a lot of time meeting the action plan draft deadline for the December meeting. He said the action plan cost his department between $20,000 and $25,000.
