Caribou subsistence now open

Federal public land units 20E, 25C, and a portion of 20F opened Tuesday for subsistence users to hunt the Fortymile caribou herd, under a decision of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). 

The federal agency announced its decision on July 21, based under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, after consultation with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the National Park Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Eastern Interior Subsistence Regional Advisory Council. 

The harvest limit is two bull caribou. 

Units 20 and 25 lie north and south of the Fairbanks area, east of the Canadian border. 

The caribou hunt is limited to federally qualified rural residents hunting on federal public lands only, including federal public lands accessible from the Steese and Taylor highways.  

The federal subsistence hunt opened at 12:01  a.m.  Tuesday. The hunt closes at 11:59 p.m. on Sept. 30.  


To qualify for the hunt under federal subsistence regulations, individuals must live in Alaska for the previous 12 months and also have a primary, permanent place of residence in Eureka, Livengood, Manley, or Minto. 
For additional information contact Jim Herriges at 907-474-2373 or
