Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-AK

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-AK

Murkowski: Honoring the fallen – and caring for veterans

On Memorial Day, we honor the men and women who have served and given their lives for our nation. These Americans deserve our utmost respect and admiration, today and every day.

Murkowski: A tough year, but bipartisanship points the way

"In many ways, 2021, was a difficult year in Washington, D.C.," Sen. Lisa Murkowski writes. "There has been a lot to not be thankful for in 2021. Yet, when Congress did set aside its differences and work together, we made some significant achievements that will deliver benefits for a long time to come."

Alaska will greatly benefit from historic infrastructure bill

Several years ago, the American Society of Civil Engineers gave Alaska’s infrastructure a C-minus grade. Their report reiterated what too many Alaskans know and face every day: our still-young state is deficient in water and wastewater, ports and harbors, marine transportation, energy and power infrastructure, and more. Even in our highest-graded areas – like roads and airports – Alaska still has plenty of room for improvement.

Commentary: Investing in fisheries industry pays off

Robust legislative support is necessary to keep Alaska's fisheries thriving, writes Sen. Lisa Murkowski.

Honoring the legacy of Ted Stevens

December 24 is a special day in Alaska's history. Fifty years ago, on Christmas Eve in 1968, Gov. Wally Hickel appointed a young veteran...

Murkowski: Opening ANWR to exploration benefits state

Editor’s note:  Here are excerpts from Senator Murkowski’s update from Capitol HillColumn of Dec. 19.  Read the full update online at It’s been a...
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