Senators want federal workers paid ASAP

Twenty-nine senators, including Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, are urging President Donald Trump’s administration to get back pay due after the end of a government shutdown delivered quickly to more than 800,000 federal employees.

“The government shutdown made it clearer than ever just how dedicated civil servants are to their jobs, and how vital those jobs are to the nation,” the senators said in a letter to Margaret M. Weichert, acting director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

“We ask that you publicize when exactly these civil servants can expect to receive their back pay, and we hope it will arrive very soon.”

All 29 signers of the bipartisan group noted that they supported the recently enacted Government Employee Fair Treatment Act, which ensured that all federal workers would receive back pay.  The law mandates that the federal government shall provide back pay “at the earliest date possible after the lapse in appropriations ends, regardless of scheduled pay dates.”
