PWSSC 19th annual Copper River Nouveau

Scallop and halibut ceviche and salmon croquettes resting on silver trays bounced quickly from group to group, as hors d'oeuvres were snarfed down.Sunlight pierced through the tall windows at the Cordova Center on Saturday, June 9 during the Prince William Sound Science Center’s 19th annual Copper River Nouveau benefit gala.PWSSC co-founder R.J. Kopchak walked down the long staircase, sunbeams...

ADF&G stocks Chinook salmon in Fleming Spit Lagoon

The Alaska Department of Fish & Game stocked 107,441 Chinook salmon in the Fleming Spit Lagoon in Cordova on Thursday, June 7, 2018. This year the salmon smolt weighed an average of 0.5 ounces and measured on average 4.2 inches. ADF&G plans to stock salmon at the Fleming Spit Lagoon from 2018 to 2022, with an objective of producing...

CVFD fundraising event: smashing cars, surprising Hicks

Volunteer firefighters joined family and friends of Fire Chief Mike Hicks on July 17 to honor him with a surprise party celebrating his re-election to the post for the 15th year.The surprise party was disguised as the Father’s Day car bash and barbecue fundraiser, and Hicks acknowledged that he had no idea it was happening.“They really did get me...

Ethan Beckett completes Space Camp program

Ethan Beckett, a member of the Cordova High School Wolverines 2018 state champion robotics team, recently attended Advanced Space Academy at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL, home of Space Camp.The week long educational program promotes science, technology, engineering and math, while training students with hands-on activities and missions based on teamwork, leadership and problem solving.Beckett...

Veteran returns to Cordova to fish on 100th birthday

What better way for a passionate fisherman to celebrate his 100th birthday than to catch 100 pounds of fish, and that’s just what centenarian Grant Valentine did, on his June 14 birthday in Cordova.Valentine and his family cast off as the sun beamed down on Cordova as he caught 100 pounds of halibut, keeping just two.“His eyes don’t leave...

Photo of the week: Recycled Art

Karen Hallquist’s newest bottlecap art is on display at Cordova Gear as part of her Cap Art Project.“Each cap was thoughtfully placed, then screwed onto a scrap piece of plywood over a long, rainy weekend,” she said. Hallquist began making bottle cap art in 2015/2016, just after the city stopped recycling.“My level of disappointment was extremely heavy, so I...

Sun-soaked Cordovans fill Main Street for 4th of July

Cordova’s Main Street was booming, bold and patriotic as fiddles and banjos filled the air, along with the sounds of children playing and people cheering during the Kelp Box Derby.Members of the U.S. Coast Guard performed a presentation of the colors, silencing the crowd enough to hear the salmon, hamburgers and hot dogs grilling nearby.Annie Carlson sang the National...

Dedication ceremony honors fallen U.S. Coast Guard personnel

A dedication ceremony honoring U.S. Coast Guard personnel who perished during a search and rescue mission in Prince William Sound Aug. 7, 1981, took place in Cordova on Wednesday, June 27, at the Veterans’ Memorial.Kari O’Rear gave the opening address at the memorial dedication ceremony. Her father, Bob Bernard, had wanted a memorial for the lost helicopter crew for...
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