Prince William Sound catch jumps to 35.7M fish

Commercial harvests in Prince William Sound have reached over 35.7 million fish, including nearly 32 million pink salmon, up by over 5 million fish from a week earlier, according to the state’s latest preliminary commercial harvest reports.

182 PWS proposals slated for Board of Fisheries meeting

Proposals on topics ranging from optimum escapement goals for for Chinook salmon in the Copper River to a community subsistence salmon permit are on the table for the Alaska Board of Fisheries meeting Nov. 30-Dec. 6 in Cordova.

Humpy harvest pushes PWS catch to 39.8M

Purse seine fishing for pink salmon continues in earnest in Prince William Sound, with the humpy catch alone through Aug. 11 reaching nearly 36 million fish and an overall commercial salmon harvest at 39.8 million fish.

Fish Factor: Statewide salmon harvest far exceeds 2020 catch

Alaska’s salmon landings have passed the season’s midpoint and by Aug. 7 the statewide catch had topped 116 million fish. State managers are calling for a projected total 2021 harvest of 190 million salmon, a 61% increase over 2020.

Fish Factor: Light-up gadgets reduce bycatch

Bycatch gives Alaska’s otherwise stellar fisheries management its biggest black eye, but a simple fix has recently shed light on a solution.

Final action set for BSAI P-cod trawl catcher plan

Final action on a Bering Sea/Aleutian Island Pacific cod trawl catcher vessel plan that may including quota share allocations to harvesters and processors is on the agenda for the fall meeting of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council.

Humpy surge boosts Prince William Sound harvest to 54.3M

Pink salmon harvests year-to-date are up by 40-41% in Prince William Sound and Southeast Alaska compared to 2019, a welcome boon for both seiners and bears in those regions.

Prince William Sound humpy harvest is 3rd largest of decade

"The highlight of this season has been the wild stocks returning stronger than anticipated, given the uncertainty about spawning success from the 2019 parent year that was assumed to be negatively impacted by drought conditions," said Heather Scannell.

Bristol Bay red king crab harvest halted for 2021-22

For the first time in over 25 years, the celebrated Bristol Bay red king crab fishery is closed for the season due to an inadequate abundance of mature females.

Fish Factor: Crab harvesters reeling over news of depleted stocks

Alaska’s Bering Sea crabbers are reeling from the devastating news that all major crab stocks are down substantially, based on summer survey results, and the Bristol Bay red king crab fishery will be closed for the first time in over 25 years.
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