Bids sought for Pollock test fishery

Bids are being accepted through Jan. 7 by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for a vessel to conduct a test fishery using pelagic trawl to harvest up to 900,000 pounds of walleye Pollock in registration Area E of Prince William Sound.

Fish Factor: Sockeye salmon prices near record highs, boosting harvester paychecks

Strong global and U.S. demand for sockeye salmon has pushed prices to near record highs and boosted fishermen’s paychecks.

New restrictions would cut halibut bycatch in groundfish fisheries

A six-year battle over the incidental catch of an estimated 2.8 million pounds of halibut annually by trawlers in the Bering Sea has prompted federal fisheries managers to put new regulations in place to curb that harvest by up to 35 percent.

Declining salmon resource prompts cry to decrease incidental catch

Community organizers from Alaska concerned over the millions of pounds of wild salmon and halibut caught incidentally by factory trawlers off Alaska while abundance of both kinds of fish are in decline took their message to consumers in Seattle on Saturday, Dec. 11.

Congress urged to halt illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing

A group of over 100 scientists and researchers is urging Congress to take immediate action to increase traceability of seafood imports and transparency at sea, to ensure that all seafood entering the U.S. is legally caught, responsibly sourced and honestly labeled.

Fish Factor: Pollock down, Pacific cod up in allowable 2022 harvests

Fisheries are driven by numbers and there will be more ups than downs in 2022 catches for Alaska fishermen based on poundages set by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council.

BOF approves NVE subsistence salmon proposals

Two subsistence salmon proposals from the Native Village of Eyak were approved with requested modifications during the recent meeting of the Alaska Board of Fisheries in Cordova, resulting in improved opportunities for a greater subsistence catch.

Veteran harvester speaks on the joys, challenges of fisheries

As a California college student back in the 1980s, Theresa Peterson decided to take a chance getting a job at a seafood cannery in Alaska for the summer. She figured that because she hates the cold, she would never go back again.

Trident Seafoods purchases 300-foot at-sea processor

Trident Seafoods has reached agreement with Aleutian Spray Fisheries Inc. to acquire the 300-foot at-sea processor C/P Starbound for use in its wild Alaska Pollock and Pacific whiting fisheries, the company announced.

Fish Factor: Harvest boost anticipated in Pacific halibut fishery

The Pacific halibut stock appears to be on an upswing and could result in increased catches for most regions in 2022.
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