Iceworm festival goes out with a splash

The 2017 Cordova Iceworm Festival was laid to rest Feb. 5, becoming another Ghost of Iceworm Past – which was the theme of the...

City council continues effort to create strategic plan

Cordova’s city government spent most of January trying to come up with a strategic plan to provide for the community’s sustainable future.After a number...

Congress rolls back protecting streams from coal mining

Alaska’s congressional delegation has voted with the Republican majority to overturn a rule that blocks coal mines from discharging waste into streams.The U.S. Senate...

Ghosts of Iceworm Past festival may be best yet

This year’s Iceworm Festival got off to a busy start, with basketball, dodgeball and volleyball games rocking the courts and continuing through this weekend...

Cordova general election set for March 7

A minimum of eight candidates are being sought to run in the March 7 city election for two city council seats, one seat on...

56th annual Iceworm Festival is ready to rock

The 56th annual Cordova Iceworm Festival officially kicks off this weekend, with events lined up from Jan. 28 through Feb. 5. This year’s theme...

Bering River Coal Field rights retired

In a groundbreaking decision announced on Jan. 25, a large portion of coal rights for the Bering River Coal Field, 55 miles southeast of...

Economic sustainability key to city’s growth

Strategic planning to promote economic stability in Cordova is picking up speed.In the wake of two meetings held earlier this month, a third strategic...

Locals to march on Main Street Jan. 21

In a show of solidarity demonstrating that women’s rights are human rights, Cordovans will join thousands of marchers in the United States, and worldwide...

Sound Alternatives Behavioral Health Center holds annual open house Jan. 6

Sound Alternatives’ care providers hosted a community open house Jan. 6, in their offices at the Cordova Community Medical Center, for the public to...
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