City will hold public forum on vaccinations Sept. 8

A public forum on the topic of COVID-19 and vaccinations is scheduled for 5-6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 8 at the Cordova Center.

Coast Guard vessel exams set for Sept. 12-18

Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Valdez will visit Cordova from Sept. 12-18 to conduct annual commercial fishing vessel dockside examinations on a limited basis.

Forum on substance abuse set for Sept. 14

A panel discussion on the impact of drugs and alcohol on Cordova is scheduled for 5:30-7 p.m Tuesday, Sept. 14 at the Cordova Center.

Kids tune in to visiting ‘harmonica guru’

"The harmonica is a great instrument because you don’t have to have any musical training," Phil Douglass said. "I always say, 'If you can breathe, you can play the harmonica.'"

COVID-19 Update: Aug. 31, 2021

Four novel coronavirus cases were reported in Cordova from Aug. 23-29, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services announced.

COVID-19 Update: Aug. 23, 2021

Five novel coronavirus cases were reported in Cordova from Aug. 16-22, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services announced.

Man receives 1 year imprisonment for drug misconduct

Michael D. Glasen, 44, of Cordova, was ordered to to serve one year imprisonment, which he may serve using an electronic monitoring system, after he pled guilty to misconduct involving a controlled substance in the third degree.

Parents bridle under school mask rule

"[My daughter] was looking forward to going to school this year," parent Chris Bolin said. "And when she heard that it was required to wear a mask… she didn’t want to go to school no more. It’s just heartbreaking, as a parent, to see your kid not want to go to school when she’s doing so good."

Vax rate may be lower than reported

"People need to stop reading the voodoo stories on the internet," Councilman Tom Bailer said. "Talk to some real doctors and get the dang shot and quit putting the rest of the people in the community at risk."

School will resume with masks required

"We can’t justify not having students wear masks right now," Barb Jewell said. "And I have to tell you, we were all pretty heartbroken because we were hours from saying, 'Gosh, we might not have to have masks at school.'"
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