Revitalized Saturday Market shares artisan goods with community

The Saturday Market has returned to Cordova with renewed interest and energy this year. The Saturday Market was started by Christa Hoover and her...

Happy (and tasty) as a Cordova clam!

A little razor clam history this week along with our boat photos! The razor clam was first described in 1788 from specimens found near...

An interview with Sen. Lisa Murkowski

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, sat down with The Cordova Times during a recent visit to town to discuss how current federal policies and initiatives...

Celebrating wildflowers

By Elliott DeinsAs the soak of spring comes to an end and the summer sun emerges from the clouds, vibrant wildflowers are blooming across...

Salmon Jam puts the ‘fun’ in fundraiser

By Lauren Bien and Shae BowmanThis is your one-stop-shop for everything you need to know about how to have the jammiest, salmoniest, boot-stomping, hoopin’...

Calling all volunteers

By Kristin CarpenterWhat makes Cordova run? Yes, salmon are what feed our families and our economy, and Salmon Jam is all about “singing out...

Throwback Fourth of July celebrations in Cordova

Photos courtesy of the Cordova Historical SocietyEnjoy these old photos of Fourth of July celebrations in Cordova. The Cordova Chamber of Commerce will host...

Cordova Volunteer Fire Department offers free naloxone distribution, training

The Cordova Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) offered a free training for interested citizens and businesses on how to use naloxone opioid overdose rescue kits...

Rainbows in the rain: Cordova Pride

Over 100 Cordovans braved the rain on Saturday to celebrate community and inclusivity at the second ever Cordova Pride event. The event was held...
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