Around Town: Music camp, recovery support, volunteer opportunities

A free Cordova 4H Mini-Music Camp with lessons in band, art, and science will take place July 19-23. Local campers, ages 6-8, will meet from 10 a.m.-noon; ages 9-18 from 2-4 p.m.; and adult classes will be held in the evenings.

Around Town: Film festival, seed swap, summer reading program

The Copper River Watershed Project and the Wild and Scenic Film Festival are hosting a two-hour long virtual film festival from 4 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, May 22.

Around Town: Cordova Cleanup, Artist Workshop, National Trails Day

Cordova Cleanup Week, National Trails Day, Artist Workhshop and other events happening in Cordova this week.

Around Town: Fundraiser, web recycling, adult volleyball

The Copper River Watershed Project in partnership with Alaska Commercial Company is hosting a multi-day fishing web recycling event.

Around Town: Senior Salmon Giveaway, Father’s Day, Summer Solstice

If you wish to have your event listing included in Around Town, please email with the following information: 1.The name of the event; 2. The date and time of the event; 3. The name of the group or person organizing the event; 4. A one or two-sentence description of the event; 5. Contact info to be included in the listing

Around Town: Rush family farewell, fundraiser, ultimate frisbee

If you wish to have your event listing included in Around Town, please email with the following information: 1. The name of the event; 2. The date and time of the event; 3. The name of the group or person organizing the event; 4. A one or two-sentence description of the event; 5. Contact info to be included in the listing

Around Town: Photography workshop, Salmon Jam, sound tech training

If you wish to have your event listing included in Around Town, please email with the following information: The name of the event; the date and time of the event; the name of the group or person organizing the event; a one or two-sentence description of the event; contact info to be included in the listing.

Around Town: Weir survey, Alaska WILD, Salmon Jam

If you wish to have your event listing included in Around Town, please email with the following information: The name of the event; the date and time of the event; the name of the group or person organizing the event; a one or two-sentence description of the event; contact info to be included in the listing.

Around Town: Technician training, Culture Camp, weir survey

If you wish to have your event listing included in Around Town, please email with the following information: The name of the event; the date and time of the event; the name of the group or person organizing the event; a one or two-sentence description of the event; contact info to be included in the listing.

Around Town: Ferry schedule review, Eyak Culture Camp, ultimate frisbee

If you wish to have your event listing included in Around Town, please email with the following information: The name of the event; the date and time of the event; the name of the group or person organizing the event; a one or two-sentence description of the event; contact info to be included in the listing.
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