Make your own family disaster plan

Nine years ago, this community began to prepare. Nine years ago, we ran this article, and nine years later, it is still relevant. This...

$12K donated to Cordova Volunteer Fire Department

On Feb. 3, AC Value Center Manager Robbie Gilmour presented Fire Chief Michael Hicks and Engine 3 Captain Stephen Phillips with a donation check in the amount $12,009.49.

Community Health: Let’s ‘Kick the 19’, Cordova

Participants with “Kick the 19” will meet for 30 minutes to an hour one night a week to talk about successes and challenges, and for a weigh-in. The program is free and will be facilitated by me, Dr. Paul Gloe.

Community Health: Tips for coping with stress and how to respond to it

Behavior health clinician Susie Powell writes: Spring is coming, and this is a great time to reflect on all the dust and clutter that have accumulated over the winter and do some spring cleaning. When it comes to our mental health, most all of us have some emotional cobwebs or maybe a lot of mental clutter that have been causing stress.

How to expand your bubble safely

“Double bubbling” is not a new dance that is sweeping the nation. Nor is it an online dating service. It is the new terminology for easing up on the restrictions of isolating within your designated family circle or “bubble.”

6 weeks to better health — Cordova style

It’s that time of year! We have that wonderful bright sunlight, and some people, including me are thinking about getting in shape for all our...

Cordova Prepared: Be ready if the tsunami actually comes

Go to high ground! Tsunami!Hopefully, Cordovans will not hear the sirens announcing such news — again — any time soon. However, Cordova experienced a...

Celebrate 20 years with the Copper River Watershed Project at the Wild Food Feast

Wild foods, wild foods, wild foods.Forage, forage, forage.Harvest, harvest, harvest.We’re rapidly approaching that time of the year when this mantra is weaving its way...

Two shots of protection against shingles

Q: Is the shingles vaccine a good idea? A: Short answer: Yes, if you are over 50 years old.Long answer: Shingles is a disease cause...

Recovery for our times and our town

In my village travels recently, as we talked about village problems, one of the Anvik teachers Betty Amos said something that really impacted me.Betty...
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